Det har kommit ett tackbrev från 2022 års vinnare av den internationella Adamson-statyetten, François Bourgeon. Så här skriver han:
Dear Sir,
Séverine Aupert, from Delcourt, recently sent me the sculpted statuette of Adamson, the original plate of Oscar Jacobson and the framed diploma of the prize.
Through your letter, I also discovered the motivations of the jury.
To my great regret, I only know Sweden through the news, the Nobel Prize, and (quite well and for a long time) Ingmar Bergman’s cinema to whom I owe, I believe, a lot.
I receive with emotion all these tokens of sympathy that I did not expect. They are a great comfort to me.
In an uncertain world, these signs of friendship and understanding between people are reassuring, even indispensable.
For bringing me closer to you, once again, many thanks.
All the best,
François Bourgeon
Texten är översatt från franska till engelska av Séverine Aupert.